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The nonprofit organization responsible for aiding over 1140 homeless individuals and changing the lives of many

Updated: Jul 25

In a world where the struggles of homelessness and addiction often go hand in hand, organizations like Shine a Light are beacons of hope. Founded with the mission to assist homeless individuals battling addiction, Shine a Light is making waves in the Las Vegas community and beyond.

Imagine a life where every day is a battle for survival, where the streets are your home, all while struggling with addiction. For many living in the tunnels of Las Vegas, this is not just a nightmare, but a grim reality. However, Shine a Light is a true light in the darkness.

At its core, Shine a Light believes in the power of compassion and support to change lives. Their approach is simple yet effective: providing a safe space for homeless individuals to find shelter and offering them the resources they need to break free from the cycle of addiction.

One of the important parts of Shine a Light’s work is their commitment to holistic support. They understand that overcoming addiction is not just about cleansing your body, but also about healing your soul. Through counseling, therapy, and access to rehabilitation programs, Shine a Light provides individuals with the tools

they need to rebuild their lives from the ground up.

But they don’t stop there. They recognize that the journey to recovery doesn’t end when someone is off the streets. That’s why they provide ongoing support and assistance to ensure that individuals have the necessary support network to thrive in their newfound sobriety. Their case managers provide services for all clients who choose to enroll in their IPATH (Instant Placement with Access to Treatment and Housing) programming for up to two years, working diligently to avoid any reason to return to homelessness. Their intensive hands-on Case Management approach includes scholarships into treatment and transitional housing placement, job development, placement into independent living, vital document retrieval, and helping to knock down any other barriers that may stand in the way. (Shine a Light

As of right now, Shine a Light assists over 280 active clients battling homelessness. And the impact of their work stretches far beyond the individuals they directly assist. By helping homeless addicts get back on their feet, they are not only improving the lives of those individuals, but also strengthening the community of Las Vegas as a whole. When people are given the resources to overcome their struggles, they become productive members of society, contributing positively to the world around them. 

Defining what it means to give back, most graduates of Shine a Light continue to work with the foundation and help others achieve what they were able to themselves. Executive director Paul Vautrinot started the foundation after recovering from a past life of living in the tunnels himself, and now dedicates his work to changing the lives of countless others. 

In a speech he gave at the Shine a Light graduation Vautrinot stated, “The reality of it is, each of these people that we graduate today I promise you understand homelessness on a level that I really don’t think anybody should have to experience. But the coolest thing about homelessness on that level is it gives you some type of ammunition to build upon.”

As the world continues to navigate the complexity of homelessness and addiction, organizations like Shine a Light serve as a reminder that with empathy, dedication, and support, we can truly make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. 

To learn more about Shine a Light and how you can contribute to their cause, visit their website at

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